While I was in this interview, all I could think about was my youth team. There are some good players on this team but the biggest problem they have is psychological. Why are people afraid to be great? Why is it that the person who gets in your way the most is yourself? I had a meeting with my team Wednesday and I asked them "Why are you here?" "Why do you play the game?" I told them every time you step onto the field you should give it your best. If you don't give your best, even in everyday life then why do it? Why waste time? I have this mentality ingrained in me and I get it from my parents. They work so hard at everything they do; I learned from example. They showed me what hard work looks like and always believed in me when no one else did. They used to tell me, "Even if you are a garbage worker, you be the best garbage worker you can be!" I told my girls the same thing. Wednesday's practice was a turning point. I want to change things around. I'm treating this team as if they were professionals. I have many different ideas to help them get to the level I want them to be at. stay tuned for more.
In other news, my team tied our first game 1-1, now we have our first home game tomorrow. Brynasvallen is the name of our field and I absolutely love it!! It is ours and I'm proud to call it home. The field is real grass and our locker rooms are awesome! Everyone was so excited to be back at Brynasvallen; I love the pride of our home that everyone has taken on. It has been a good week at practice. At training yesterday, it was cold and rainy but it was such a fun practice; We played, worked on some fancy free kicks and corner kicks, did some shooting and a few of the girls were speaking a lot of Swedish to me; I'm getting better but I still have a ways to go. My teammates are awesome! All I can say is that after the training I felt an overwhelming surge of joy; I get to do what I love everyday with some great people! I'm having so much fun and I am excited to play at home tomorrow! We are ready for this game and are going to capture three points!!
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