Friday, February 8, 2013

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also DREAM not only plan, but also BELIEVE"

In college besides playing and going to school I had eight different kids I would train individually, I was also the head coach of the Lake Wales Soccer club U17 girls and the assistant to the U14 girls.  I absolutely loved it! I learned, created and experimented with many different ideas.   These experiences not only contributed to my development as a coach and as a player it also helped me pay all of my everyday bills throughout college.  I am very grateful!

I became close to most of the kids; it was sad to leave when I graduated but I have kept in touch with a few of them.  Every time I am back in Florida I contact my old players and we end up training together. 

When I got back from Sweden I basically went straight to Florida. I have been living in Lakeland and have been coaching my old kids for the past few months. It has been phenomenal!! Every player I have trained in the past has continued to invest in their development and has improved.  It is nice to see how they have grown (and now most of them are taller than me...)

One player that always sticks out to me is Daniel. Daniel is one of the players I have trained individually since my freshman year in college. He was the first player I picked up in Florida; after I started training him I got multiple calls from many different players asking for training. Daniel is technically one of the best players I have ever coached. He is like a sponge and absorbs everything I through at him. I have been training him again these past few months and I have been so impressed. He has some great opportunities ahead and he will be extremely successful! He is a very special player. When I look at Daniel I see myself. He is just as much of a soccer junkie as I am. 

Below is a short video of Daniels individual session! Enjoy!