Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"What we choose to fight is so tiny! What fights within us is so great!"

Last Friday the weather was crazy; it snowed all day.. We had practice and when we got to the field it was covered in snow! You could not see any green.. We still practiced! I had so much fun and I was not even that cold.  Snow balls were thrown and a snow man was built! We started out with some technical training, did some ladders and then played the rest of the practice.

 I felt like I was playing in the sand and it reminded me of beach soccer.  I love playing soccer on the beach!! When I would go to the beach with my family I would always juggle in the sand and jump in every pick up game I could.  It was great and I have met so many people.   In Florida, when I went to the beach with my friends, I always brought a ball and we always played.

 It is a different type of game in the sand and it was the same in the snow on Friday. When you would pass the ball it would get stuck or not go very far.  Juggling comes in handy and the snow almost makes it easier to do some crazy little tricks, flicks and adds a whole new creative element to the game.  I had a blast playing in the snow! Everyone was sliding everywhere, there were some fancy goals scored and a ton of laughter in the process. 

After the practice I took a deep breath and was just so happy I could take a deep breath. When I was in high school; every October I would start to go down hill when the weather started to get cold.  Halloween would always be a turning point for me.. It was like clockwork; my lungs would get the worst of me from October to March every year.  I did not do well in the cold. I was always fighting; it was a constant battle. I would have to take treatments at the half times of games and their were countless emergency room visits. When it was winter in Massachusetts; just walking to my car or up the stairs was like running a marathon. It was like their was an elephant sitting on my chest at all times.

 I went to school in Florida because I did really well in the warm weather and my lungs have healed. Now I can play in the cold with not one problem. I feel so healthy and strong!  I think I was on a natural high during this past Friday's practice.. I went from hoping I would be strong enough to make it through a practice or game to being able to play 100% without even flinching! It was cold out and I could breath!!!

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