Wednesday I was on a plane back to the U.S. to surprise my sister for her graduation! She had no idea I was coming and I honestly think she was a little mad at me for "not coming." Right when I landed I went straight to her Academic awards ceremony. I wanted to wait for the right time to really surprise her so I hid in the audience until she got her award. When her name was called I snuck around so she would meet me coming down the stairs. When she saw me she just starred; it took her a second to register that I was really there and then she tackled me. I felt like I was about to tear up with this over whelming surge of joy. My brother took a video of the surprise. Enjoy!
Friday was Melanie's graduation and it was beautiful! I am so proud of her and I know she is meant for great things. Afterwards, we had a party at my house and it was amazing to be around my whole family. It is a time I will never forget. Melanie and my cousin Jess are coming to visit me soon in Sweden. I can not wait for them to get here. Melanie has visited me every year while I was in Florida and now I am excited to have her come overseas for a Swedish Adventure.
Saturday I got on a plane back to Sweden. I was completely exhausted; I had one of the best sleeps of my life on the plane. I landed in Stockholm Sunday morning and took a train to Gavle right away. I had a game verse Bromma Pojkarna at 3. I felt rested from a good sleep on the plane and I was ready to play. It was a great game!! We were connecting well; scored some classy goals and won 2-1. It was a great way to end a great week!
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