The people in charge of the clinic asked me if I would perform for the whole group. The whole clinic met in the center circle; there were cameras and the show began.
After the performance, I got challenged by an 8 year old! He joined me in the circle and we battled. I did a trick and he copied. He did a trick and I copied. It was street soccer!! Anything can happen!
Before we left the circle he came up to me and said, " I can do a trick you can't do.." I said," Ok lets see it." This 8 year old boy put the ball on the back of his neck and took his shirt off; keeping the ball there the whole time. It was absoutly incredible. The whole clinic cheered! He was right.. I could not do that trick...
I am a performer; here is my old performance in Finland.
I am a performer; here is my old performance in Finland.
This was another one of those amazing days; it was unpredictable, it was fun, it was total street! I met some great kids, made many new contacts and just had a blast!
We went straight to practice after the clinic and then my youth team had a game. My youth team played the best I have seen them play so far! They put on a show as well! We won 2-0.
Afterward I walked and I decided to take the long way home. I starting thinking about everything that happened throughout the whole day and I know I am in the right place. Who would of thought? Its days like these that I realize how much I love what I am doing..