Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure..."

Last saturday I had my first friendly game with the team. It was an away game against Tierp. While we were driving to the game I was looking out the window and just listening to my ipod.  My mind was clear and I was in the moment.

 We got the locker room and the coaches brought in all this gear.  They had warm up jerseys, warm up jackets, pants, winter jackets, leggings, gloves, hats, and of course our uniforms.  We give all this stuff back at the end of the game so they can wash it. After the game they brought in food for sandwiches, yogurt, fruit and juice.  I loved it! The quickest way to my heart is through food.  I know this may seem like a minor detail but I thought that was pretty cool.

I started at defensive center mid.  The game was pretty intense.  We scored first and then they scored shortly after.  We scored again and they tied it up making it 2-2. These first few goals came one after the other.  Ive learned from many coaches that goals are most likely to be scored in the first five minutes of each half, the last five minutes of each half and the first five minutes after a goal is scored.  I have experienced this first hand and that is exactly what happened with the first four goals of the game. 

The second half we exploited Tierp's weaknesses and finished every chance we got.  We scored some really classy goals and ended up winning 6-2. Tierp was a good test and I felt like it was a really good first game. Everyone worked hard and played well. There were moments throughout the game that we connected extremely well. I think once we keep getting to know each other and figure out how everyone likes to play we will be able to connect all over the field.  You could see it transpiring just from the first half to the second half.  I feel like every time we step on the field together it will get better and better.  This was an exciting game and a very good step for us as a team.  I'm excited to play again on Saturday.

After the game I took a trip out to Stockholm for St. Patricks day to spend the rest of the weekend with my college friends; Helena, Linda and Therese.  I arrived to an amazing dinner and had an incredible night. St. Patricks day is celebrated in a big way in the U.S. and now the Swedes are also joining in on the Irish festivities. I had a ton of fun with them.  It was a great ending to a great weekend!!

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