This past month has been a major change of scenery for me. Coaching has been amazing; it helped me survive college and is a major reason I have a roof over my head and food on the table. More on my coaching experiences soon! Besides coaching I have taken on seasonal jobs at publix; the local grocery store and Toys R Us.
At publix I was a bagger. One of the major job descriptions of a bagger included offering help to each customer; walking the cart to the parking lot and loading the groceries into their cars. I have met so many different kinds of people; rude, selfish, etc.

I had one customer tell me my bagging technique was not correct.. I re-bagged. She looked at her purchases again and said, "I liked the way you did it the first time. Do it again." I did it and then with out giving me anytime to offer my services out to the parking lot she looked at me and said, "Take me to my car!" While we were walking outside I figured I would try and start some small talk with her; maybe she was having a bad day and was just taking it out on the bagger. I started out by saying the weather was beautiful. This lady turned around raised her eye-brows, looked at me, and then looked forward. She was making it known that I was not worthy of even holding a conversation with her. I unloaded the groceries (maybe smashing the bread and eggs while she wasn't looking… Just kidding) and then I went back inside.

Why did this lady think she could treat me like this? Now my simple seasonal job became a social experiment. I do not know who this lady is and she does not know who I am. All I know is that you never know who you could be talking to. People may think I am crazy; you are a soccer player, you play professionally. You are a soccer coach. Why are you doing this? I have never done anything like this before and I wanted to try and see through the eye's of a "normal" working person.
This example is my most extreme example but besides the rude and selfish I have come across, I have also met some pretty amazing individuals. One day I was taking a really old lady out to her car. She asked about my story. I told her what I was doing. She then informed me that she was 95 years old!!!! This lady was walking, talking, healthy and even driving. She told me story after story; while I shared some of my experiences. I was out in the parking lot with her for an hour and a half!! I could not leave her. I was learning so much and the conversation was amazing. She gave me her mailing address and her e-mail. Right before she left she said,"I hope I didn't get you in trouble for staying out her for so long." I said,"If I do get in trouble, it was completely worth and I do not regret anything!" She smiled and drove away. A 95 year old lady that was still kicking.
Black Friday came.. I worked at Toys R Us Thanksgiving night from 7pm-5am Black Friday morning. I then worked at Publix from 10am-3pm and I went back to Toys R Us and worked again that same day from 5pm-11:30. I was a zombie by 11:30. I like to push myself but I can say that I went to far on black Friday. "only ones that are willing to go to far are the only ones that can possibly know how far one can go." I figured out how far I can go.
I had some rest and then I went back to Publix. I took another really interesting old lady out to her car. She was a regular and started asking me questions about myself. I did not tell or much or anything about soccer but she looked me square in the eye and said,"don't work to much.. Enjoy life now! Don't wait!" She told me to do what I love. I told her "I am very lucky because I do, do what I love." She then said, "Always go for it."
I do not know how this conversation came about but it really hit me. Between, Publix, Toys R Us and all of my coaching I was working a little to much. I have opportunities that could be right around the corner and I need to be ready. I need to train. I talked with my parents and some of my mentors about my thoughts and they all agreed with me. I talked with Publix and I told them that I am very sorry but I have to quit. It was tough because I never quit anything.
I said that Publix is a great company; they give incredible job security. I wanted to try a job with security but I need to focus on my passion. Soccer does not give me any job security but I am willing to take that risk. Working at Publix, I realized even more what I am meant to be doing; I can't waste any time.. Like the old lady said,"go for it" I will always go for i! Publix wished me good luck and understood. I want to thank them for the opportunity and providing me with some work.
I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders after I quit and shortly after I got a few more clients for my one on one coaching. It was like it was almost meant to be.
Besides coaching I am continuing to work at Toys R Us for the Holiday Season. The hours are perfect and I am able to focus on what matters most. I really like it at Toys R Us. The people that work there are real! I have fun in electronics and I have met some awesome people cashiering.

Again, I do get many selfish people. I can't tell you how many times customers come through my line with over $300 worth of merchandise and they complain about saving $1 on a coupon. I had one couple get mad that we could not combine two promotions so they taped two sales stickers on my counter and started taking pictures.. I asked what they were doing and they said that they were going to basically bad mouth the"promotion" on their Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc. (These people were at least in their 30's) They still bought everything as well.. I don't get it; all this anger over a few dollars… It makes me sad to see this. To me, if you can spend all this on materialistic items; life must be pretty good; why are you so mad?

Then again I have also met some incredible people. I had one man come through my line with a whole cart full of FAO Schwarz stuffed animals. The grand total was over $300. I told him I loved these stuffed animals and he was going to make someone really happy. He said was an old war veteran, his son was in Afghanistan and he was going to mail all these stuffed animals to his whole unit for Christmas. He said he has mailed something overseas every year. We talked for a little while; I told him about my brother; he is in the national guard and I am really proud of him. The conversation did not last more than five minutes but I felt like we had known each other for years. When I handed him the receipt; he reached out and shook my hand. I felt like he was some sort of angel.
I have had kids come through my line giving me everything they had, emptying their wallets just to buy their bother or sister a present. One kid did not have enough.. I paid the difference.. So many people also put Toys on layaway. Layaway is awesome! Hard working people have an opportunity to save up and pay off gifts for their loved ones. I wish I had a lot of money because I want to pay off certain customer's layaway. A customer picked up her order today and she was just so happy to pay off the amount; she is able to give her loved ones what they wanted.
Love. Doing something for someone else just because. Giving to someone else; Being able to buy a gift just to try and show your family and friends in just a small way how much you care, how special they are and that you love them. Happiness.. It's not about the gift.
To say the least, I have had so many interesting experiences since I have been back. Now, a new curve ball has been thrown at me I do not know what my future awaits. Hopefully I will have news soon but I will keep "going for it" and I won't give up!