"At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. One extra degree makes all the difference. And, the one extra degree of effort in business and in life… separates the good from the great!"
When I was playing for fsasoccerplus; one of my coaches showed my team the 212 youtube video before our season started.. It really hit me and "212 degrees" became a number I would try and live by. One "extra degree" makes all the difference!
We had a guest coach; Jamie. She is another fellow American and it was great having her there. The girls got to experience two American coaches; with very different styles. Jamie made it fun!
Everyone was having a great time and really enjoying themselves. This is what I play for and this is why I love the game; its times like these. Its times where you are completely immersed in the moment, that it feels like that almost nothing else matters; you can forget about the past and have no worries about the future and all you do is just enjoy where you are.
I got a call from TV4 on Monday and they asked if they could interview me. They are reporting on female coaches vs. males coaches and they want to know why there are not very many women coaches. They found that in Sweden there is 1 women coach for every 10 males coaches and they want to know why and my opinion on the topic.
They showed up to my practice with cameras and all and the interview began. I think that women's soccer is still relatively "new" compared to men's soccer and I think you will start to see more and more women coaches as time goes on because they will also want to spread the passion and give back to the game. I do not think that there is much of a difference between a female vs male coach. The only thing I could think of is that a female coach is just a different voice and it may be easier for some players to talk to a female coach.
As a player I want to be the best and the one to make the difference on the field. As a coach I want to help players be the difference, be the best, challenge them, guide them to their potential and help them get to where they want to be!
*** More news coming soon!