The first class I tried was tae kwon do This was one of the most different types of exercise I have ever done. The movements where very slow and methodical. There are many different courtesies and formalities that go along with this class. Tae kwon do was a great learning experience, but it was not for me.
The next class I tried was Kickboxing. The warm up was fun and intense. The music was blasting, my heart was going and I was having fun. When I took tae kwon do there was no music and I think that's what I missed. I like doing things to a beat and a rhythm. The teacher taught me how to punch and kick properly and then she put the class through a mini circuit. I learned different combinations to use when I hit the bag, and I was really good at the speed bag. After the workout was complete I was pretty tired but I wanted to keep going.
Since kickboxing went so well I decided to try their boxing class. This class was a smaller class; the teacher showed me how to wrap my hands and we got to work. My wrists and hands are not the strongest so I never thought I would be good at this, but the wrap and the gloves serve as great support. The warm up was good and the instructor taught us different combinations on the bag. I felt really good this day; the theme song to Rocky came on, my feet were quick and I was putting some power behind my punches. I was completely in the zone; it was like nothing else existed but me and the bag. The only other time I feel like this is when I am out on the field. I was also impressed with the other people in the class; a few of them are older than me but they are working just as hard. It was a great workout; I was pretty tired afterwards and the next day I was pretty sore. I rarely ever get sore.. I was impressed.
I'm going to keep trying new things but I will continue to kick box and box until my next adventure. Both of the classes are a challenge and I look forward to them. I'm working muscles I don't usually work. This is a perfect type of cross training for me and I think it will help me become a better player as well.
have hit a little bump in the road but I have recovered. I am slowly getting back into it and building my strength up. I felt strong enough to go to the field; it was a beautiful day and it was just me and my ball. I started off by just juggling and dribbling around and then worked on some shooting and free kicks. Before I knew it a few hours just flew by. It felt so good to be on the field again; every time I hit that little "bump" it makes me appreciate playing even more! When I was out on the field it was like nothing else around me existed. Its like I am trapped in this zone; it clears my head. Its a weird but an incredible feeling; I always get like this on the field; Its the one place where everything feels completely right.